JL Audio 13W7AE-D1.5
Beställningsvara - SÄLJS ENDAST I BUTIK
”The reference for high-performance automotive sub-bass” – JL Audio
W7 – Med sin unika egenskap att kunna leverera extrem kraft, förflyttning av luft, exakt dynamik och sublim ljudkvalitet samtidigt.
Prestandaförmågorna ligger i kärnan av designen, JL-Audio´s intensiva forskning om elektromagnetiskt och mekaniskt beteende kombinerat har gjort det möjligt att optimera motor och upphängning att leverera oöverträffad linjäritet och precision.
Totalt 8 Amerikanska patent har utfärdats för de olika teknologierna i W7.
Under utvecklingen av W7 satte JL Audio standarden för sina produkter. Genom ett antal olika patenterade lösningar som till exempel ”DMA Optimized” , ”Elevated Frame Cooling” , ”Engineered Lead Wire System” , ”FCAM” , ”OverRoll™ Surround” , ”Radially Cross-Drilled Pole-Piece” och ”W-Cone” förändrade dom sättet vi lyssnar på idag.
W7-serien anses av många som värdens bästa bas!
W7AE – (Anniversary Edition) Jubileums modell av den ikoniska W7-Serien.
Ord som ”Extrem”, ”Ultimat” och ”Otrolig” är ord som kastas runt i bas-världen, men det är få produkter som verkligen kan göra anslag på dem, förutom 13W7AE.
https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_effekt-300x52.jpg?media=1712827169 300w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_effekt-768x133.jpg?media=1712827169 768w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_effekt-600x104.jpg?media=1712827169 600w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_effekt-90x16.jpg?media=1712827169 90w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_effekt.jpg?media=1712827169 1445w" sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px">
Kontinuerlig Effekttålighet (WRMS) | 1500 W |
Rekommenderad förstärkareffekt | 500 - 1500 W |
Impedans | Dubbla 1.5 Ω |
Fysiska Mått
https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_fysisk-300x142.jpg?media=1712827169 300w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_fysisk-768x364.jpg?media=1712827169 768w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_fysisk-600x284.jpg?media=1712827169 600w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_fysisk-90x43.jpg?media=1712827169 90w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_fysisk.jpg?media=1712827169 1390w" sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px">
Nominell Diameter | 345 mm |
Overall Diameter (A) | 356 mm |
Monterings Hål (B) | 302 mm |
Skruvhål Diameter (C) | 323 mm |
Magnet yttre diameter (D) | 213 mm |
Monteringsdjup (E) | 267 mm |
Magnet Displacement | 5.9 L |
Net. Vikt | 23.6 kg |
Free Air Resonance (Fs) | 23.5 Hz |
Electrical “Q” (Qes) | 0.476 |
Mechanical “Q” (Qms) | 7.517 |
Total Speaker “Q” (Qts) | 0.448 |
Equivalent Compliance (Vas) | 104.3 L |
One-Way Linear Excursion (Xmax)* | 32 mm |
Reference Efficiency (no) | 0.27% |
Efficiency (1 W / 1 m)** | 86.3 dB SPL |
Effective Piston Area (Sd) | 0.0693 sq m |
DC Resistance (Re)*** | 2.41 Ω |
Rek. Lådvolym: Sluten Låda 53.1L
https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_sluten-300x146.jpg?media=1712827169 300w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_sluten-768x373.jpg?media=1712827169 768w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_sluten-600x291.jpg?media=1712827169 600w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_sluten-90x44.jpg?media=1712827169 90w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_sluten.jpg?media=1712827169 1385w" sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px">
Wall Thickness | 19 mm |
Front Baffle Thickness | 25 mm |
Volume (net int.) | 53.1 L |
External Width (W) | 407 mm |
External Height (H) | 407 mm |
External Depth (D) | 479 mm |
F3 | 37.4 Hz |
Fc | 40.5 Hz |
Qtc | 0.77 |
Enclosure Notes Net volumes given above do not include the air volume displaced by the speaker (Driver Displacement). This value must be added to the net volume along with the displacement of any braces and/or ports (if applicable) to arrive at a gross internal volume. Air inside a port is not part of the effective net volume. Calculate ports as solid, not hollow objects. * The W7’s employ a pole vent to remove heat and pressure from the inside of the speaker. This vent is located at the rear of the speaker. A minimum distance of 19 mm is required between the back of the speaker and any wall of the enclosure to allow proper operation of the pole vent. The dimensions given for the enclosure examples above take all applicable displacements into consideration Safety Notice It is absolutely essential that the completed subwoofer enclosure is mounted firmly to the vehicle with heavy steel bolts and large steel washers on both sides of the bolts. This will reduce the likelihood of occupant injury in the event of a collision or sudden deceleration. |
Rek. Lådvolym: Portad Låda 67.3L
https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_portad-300x143.jpg?media=1712827169 300w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_portad-768x367.jpg?media=1712827169 768w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_portad-600x287.jpg?media=1712827169 600w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_portad-90x43.jpg?media=1712827169 90w, https://usercontent.one/wp/ddbaudio.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/13w7_portad.jpg?media=1712827169 1452w" sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px">
Wall Thickness | 19 mm |
Front Baffle Thickness | 25 mm |
Volume (net int.) | 67.3 L |
External Width (W) | 657 mm |
External Height (H) | 406 mm |
External Depth (D) | 438 mm |
Internal Slot Port Width (SW) | 57 mm |
Internal Slot Port Height (SH) | 368 mm |
Internal Slot Port Length (SL) | 667 mm |
Port Extension Length (EL) | 200 mm |
Tuning Frequency (Fb) | 34.6 Hz |
F3 | 30.3 Hz |
Enclosure Notes Net volumes given above do not include the air volume displaced by the speaker (Driver Displacement). This value must be added to the net volume along with the displacement of any braces and/or ports (if applicable) to arrive at a gross internal volume. Air inside a port is not part of the effective net volume. Calculate ports as solid, not hollow objects. * The W7’s employ a pole vent to remove heat and pressure from the inside of the speaker.This vent is located at the rear of the speaker. A minimum distance of 19 mm is required between the back of the speaker and any wall of the enclosure to allow proper operation of the pole vent. The dimensions given for the enclosure examples above take all applicable displacements into consideration Safety Notice It is absolutely essential that the completed subwoofer enclosure is mounted firmly to the vehicle with heavy steel bolts and large steel washers on both sides of the bolts. This will reduce the likelihood of occupant injury in the event of a collision or sudden deceleration. |